Thursday, December 30, 2010

Bella Gypsy is Baaack....!

....And I have some sneak peeks for you, both of which I am sure you'll love just as much as I do!  Hang on tight because this upcoming year is sure to be one fun ride!

Here is Bella Gypsy's first sneak peek following a short break.  These newly released kits are colorful, fun, and just stunning if you ask me!
Here is your second sneak peek of the day!  Grab your gloves, scarves, hot cocoa and/or coffee, and brace yourself for a whole lotta "Brrrrrrr....."
Keep your eyes peeled right here on the blog this weekend for all the information you will need to grab these goodies in Bella Gypsy's shop!


Until next time...

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Flashback Friday

Hello Scrappers! It's Kim here on this cold and snowy Friday to bring you some Bella Gypsy news. I know I have been absent for the past month and I have had a good reason! We welcomed our 4th son into the world on November 8th and have been adjusting to life with a newborn. It's been a crazy month but I am back now.

As you probably have heard, Elemental Scraps is closing shoppe at the end of the year. There are going to be some amazing sales now through the end of the month. Everything in the Bella Gypsy store is $2. So head on over there and see what kind of goodies you can find.

I am going to highlight a few of my favorite Bella Gypsy kits...soon to retire for get them while you can.




Don't forget that at the end of the year the Bella Gypsy goodies will be gone for good. Lena is retiring from designing and all the scrumptious goodies this duo has created will retire as well. Now is the time to fill up your shopping cart and get those goodies you have been wanting. Everything in the the Bella Gypsy store at Elemental Scraps and Gotta Pixel are priced to sell...$2 an item!!

As always...have a great weekend!
Happy Scrapping!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Template Tuesday

Hi Everyone! Kiana here! I hope everyone had a terrific Thanksgiving holiday.  I was busy all week last week! It seems like the time just flew by. It was great to spend time with all of our family though. The last part of our weekend was spent getting ready for the Christmas season. We started a new tradition last year. We used to set up a "fake" tree but after 15 years of marriage it was not looking so good. We decided to give the real tree a try. We found a local tree farm to go to. You get to pick out and cut down your own tree. We had a really good time last year so we gave it a try again. I always worry that we will get the tree home and it will be way to big for our house.  It is so hard to tell when they are outside in the wide open! Luckily we did pretty good. Decorating definitely got me in the mood for the holiday season. So here are a few Sketchology sets that will hopefully will inspire you to scrap your holiday photos!

Sketchology: Trim The Tree
*images are linked*


Sketchology: Little Full, Lotta Sap


Here is one that is appropriate for my day today. Winter has officially arrived! We saw snow today!

Sketchology: Cold Snap


And I just wanted to throw in this last one because it caught my eye and I really like it! LOL!

Sketchology: Wink Wink Nudge


Don't forget that everything in the Bella Gypsy store is on sale for $2 right now! So go grab these amazing template sets while you can. Everything will be retired and gone forever very, very soon!

Have a great week!


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Template Wednesday?????

Augh! Does anyone else just lose track of the days sometimes? Wow! I woke up today and realized it is Wednesday already! So since I am a little out of whack this week I am bringing some awesome template sets on Wednesday instead of Tuesday! 

I do have some great template sets to show you this week. I was perusing the Bella Gypsy store and found some sets to help you make some Christmas gifts for grandparents, aunts, and uncles.  I found two great template sets for brag books! Check out what you can get for $2!!!!
Bragging Rights 1
*image is linked*


 Bragging Rights 2 
*image is linked*


Wow! These sets will really make those Christmas photo gifts a snap!!  

I have two more template sets that caught my eye this week! I love these sets for those moments when the pictures are piling up but I just can seem to get my creative juices flowing.

Skechology: Quid Pro Quo
*image is linked*

Sketchology: Satisfaction Guaranteed
 *image is linked*


Have a great week everyone! I will be back next week with some more "oldies" but goodies! 


Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Template Tuesday!

Hi Bella Gyspy Fans!  Kiana back again with some awesome template sets you may not have seen before! Don't forget that everything in the Bella Gypsy stores is on sale right now for $2! Grab these great deals while you can! Everything will be gone forever at the end of the year! 
 Here are a few great template sets I found that I really love!  
This first one is perfect for this season. Sketchology: Autumn Awaits will help you scrap those gorgeous Fall pictures.


 You can purchase this template HERE.

I love to use brackets in my layouts so I had to show you this sketchology set called "Bracketeering".


You can purchase Braketeering HERE.

I also found this Sketchology set that uses brackets, but I also really love the layering in the template pack. 

Sketchology:Socially Awkward


You can purchase Socially Awkward HERE.

And one more for this week.  I really love the unique look of this set of templates.  I have to agree with the name of this set.  Here is Sketchology: UR Hard Drive Wants Me. 


You can purchase this cool set HERE

I hope that I have showed you some things from the Bella Gypsy collection you may not have seen before! You don't want to miss all the great deals. I will be back next week to show you some more goodies I have searched high and low for! 

Have a great week!


Friday, November 05, 2010

Friday Flashback

Good Morning Scrappers! It's Kim here on this FABULOUS Friday...the kickoff to iNSD weekend! I hope you are ready for lots of fun, lots of scrapping and incredible deals! I announced earlier this week about the retirement of Lena...but you don't have to fret because Tabatha will continue on as a solo designer. So you will still get amazing goodies at an incredible price. Bella Gypsy is retiring ALL products in their stores though and Tabatha will reopen her shop in January with all new stuff!! Now until the end of the year all products in their stores will be $2, so now is the time to stock up on all those scrumptious goodies on your wishlist.

With all of that said...every Friday I am going to highlight a few kits...a few old or maybe a few new ones. Remember, ALL these kits will be marked at a VERY low price of $2 until the end of the year and then they will be gone forever.

Here are a few older kits that maybe you haven't seen before!




You can check out these amazing goodies at the Bella Gypsy store at Elemental Scraps and Gotta Pixel.
Until next week...
Happy Scrapping!

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Template Tuesday!

Hi Everyone! Kiana here! Each Tuesday until the end of the year I will be featuring different template packs that you may not have seen before! There are soooo many great Sketchology sets!
Each of these Sketchology sets is on sale right now for only $2! I love template packs for when I am running low on time but really want to get something scrapped! Sketchology sets are perfect to help complete any scrapbooks you may be working on for Christmas gifts! 
Here are a couple oldies but goodies!

Sketchology: Why Not Now?


Available at Elemental Scraps.

Sketchology: Something Like Tabatha

 Available at Elemental Scraps.

Sketchology: Simple


Available at Elemental Scraps.

Sketchology: Balanced


Available at Elemental Scraps.

If you love these templates as much as I do hurry on over and grab them for a great deal before they are gone!!

Have a great week!


Monday, November 01, 2010

HUGE Retirement Sale

Hello Scrappers! It's Kim here with some news...some sad news in fact. It is with heavy heart that I announce Lena is retiring from designing. The Bella Gypsy Duo will be no more but Tabatha will continue on by herself after the first of the year and will sell at Elemental Scraps, Gotta Pixel and A Cherry on Top. You will still get the same awesome kits but it will be a solo act.

What does this mean for you? The Bella Gypsy Duo is having a HUGE end of the year sale. For the next two months everything will be $2 in their stores but you have to act fast because at the end of the year it will all retire for good. Tabatha will open her new stores with brand new goodies that will surely knock your socks off!

Here's all the info...


Check out their sales at
Elemental Scraps and Gotta won't be disappointed!

Until next Time...Happy Scrapping!!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Falling for Fall

Hello Scrappers! It's Kim here on this sunny but very chilly Friday. Fall is definitely here this week. The leaves are changing colors and falling all around us. The boys were outside a few nights ago with all their neighborhood friends and they were having a blast raking up all the leaves in our front yard! They would rake a huge pile and then they would all jump in it! Of course I had to get out the camera and take tons of pictures...just like any mom would do! DH even got in the action and got out the leaf blower so he could help the girls and our boys get the biggest pile ever! The girls were even raking leaves from down the street and bringing them to our yard so they had more. They all had so much fun. I look forward to this time of year!

Enough rambling...there are not any new releases this week (I know what a shock!!) but Autumnatopoeia is being released at ScrapMatters and Elemental Scraps this week. It was released last weekend at Gotta Pixel for the Gotta Grab It Event! Take a look...

and here's some Sketchology

I am also leaving you with a free cluster using Autumnatopoeia! Just click on the preview for your download link!

Don't forget to check out the Bella Gypsy stores at Elemental Scraps, Gotta Pixel and ScrapMatters!
See you next week!
Happy Scrapping!

Saturday, October 09, 2010

GGI Time!!

I can't believe it is time for the Gotta Grab It event already! The months are just flying by! Fall is definitely in the air here. Leaves are turning colors, and falling to the ground.  Pumpkin stands are popping up all over, and the harvest is rounding up here.  My toddler loves taking walks in the woods and hearing the leaves crunch under his feet. Kicking them up in the air is a lot of fun too! I have been in the mood for chili and apple cider! Yum!  If you have been enjoying this new season like I have then Bella Gypsy's contribution to the GGI event is perfect for you! 

The kit is called "Autumnatopoeia" and I think you are going to fall in love with it!
You can grab each piece of this kit for $1 during the Gotta Grab It event.  Let me show you this awesome collection!

*images are linked*





The Sketchology set


Isn't it the most adorable kit! I LOVE it!! Don't miss this great deal! Head on over to Gotta Pixel now!!

Have a fantastic weekend!!


Friday, October 08, 2010

You Don't Know Jack

Happy Friday Scrappers! It's Kim here on this GORGEOUS Friday. I can't believe it's nearing the middle of October already...the leaves are changing, the weather is getting cooler (even though we have had a warm spell this week in the midwest) and the kiddos are gearing up to go Trick or Treating in a few weeks! My boys are getting so excited about the upcoming fall plans...the pumpkin patch, carving pumpkins, raking leaves and of course getting lots of candy!

Do you have the cutest 'lil pumpkin or some pictures of the silliest faces? Have you carved pumpkins or gone to the pumpkin patch? You have to see You Don't Know Jack...the latest kit from Bella Gypsy.



You can find this kit at any of the Bella Gypsy stores...Elemental Scraps, ScrapMatters and Gotta Pixel.

I am leaving you today with a freebie that coordinates with Smell My Feet, that was released last week at all the stores.


Click on the preview for your download link!


Have a great weekend! Make sure you check back on Saturday because there are some new goodies hitting the store at Gotta Pixel!

Happy Scrapping!

Thursday, October 07, 2010

Happy Thursday to you!

Hello Bella Gypsy Fans!  I hope you're having a wonderful day!  So far, my day has been....not-so-good!  I had my first-ever Root Canal.  This is something NO ONE should EVER have to endure!  Gosh, I feel like I have been punished by the Tooth Gods or something. 

Anyway, enough of my whining, let's get to what we're really here for.... THIS WEEK'S PEEKS!

Here we go...

Here is Peek fall-festive!
Here is Peek #2...who is ready for some Halloween Fun!?
So faaabulous! Right?  I cannot WAIT for you all to see these releases when their revealed!! 

That's all I have for this week.  I think I am going to go smack my foot with a hammer repeatedly.  That way I can forget about the pain in my face! I will see you again next week!

Until next time...

Friday, October 01, 2010

It's a SUPER, umm, maybe SMELLY Friday

Happy Friday Scrappers! It's the first day of October...can you believe it...October is HERE! Wow! I really don't know where this year has gone. It has flown by. My family has MEGA changes happening very soon as we are nearing the end of my pregnancy.....the countdown is on! The boys have a timeline of when fun activities are happening and when their baby brother arrives and it seems that timeline is getting shorter and shorter as we approach the end of the year. October is one of those months where we have tons of things planned and I am sure you do too. There are so many fall activites to enjoy!

Do you have little super heros in your house? With Halloween right around the corner I am sure there has to be some little boys that admire Superman or want to dress up like another one of their favorite super heros. Check out Bang Boom's PERFECT for scrapping all those super, incredible kiddos!



Here's some CT Inspiration


Now that October is here, it's time to start thinking Halloween even more. I am sure you will have tons of pictures of your little ones going Trick or Treating...or if you are anything like me you have pictures from last year that still need to be scrapped! Take a look at Smell My Feet!



CT Inspiration


It's a new month...yes, I have to keep saying that because I don't believe it yet...and that means NEW color play goodies are hitting the Elemental Scraps store. Take a look at these gorgeous, fall goodies from Bella Gypsy. Each pack is only $1 for now...there is an element pack, paper pack and alpha pack!




If you purchase all the packs this is what you get....gorgeous colors and a gorgeous kit perfect for this time of year!


Threeology teamed up to bring you a new Templatepalooza for October. It's packed full of amazing's only available for the month of won't want to miss out on this amazing deal and low price!

You can check out all these amazing new products in the Bella Gypsy stores at ScrapMatters, Elemental Scraps and Gotta Pixel.

I am closing with a little freebie frame cluster for you....enjoy
Click on the preview for your download link.


Have a SUPER weekend! See you next week!
Happy Scrapping!